13 May 2010

In France, people don't have individual yard sales. Instead, every few months or so each neighborhood of Paris hosts a giant flea market/ collective yard sale. Luckily for me, this occured right outside of the FEU on boulevard Jourdan last week. I spent a good while looking at things people had brought, but the sale went on for miles down the street so I didn't get anything/look at everything, but they had quite the spread- jewelry, books, dolls, statues, antiques, even saddles!

Yesterday was my last day of classes. So now only 4 (although potentially only 3) finals are left before I return home to the US in less than 20 days! What a ride this whole process has been. I'm excited to go back but at the same time wish that I was never leaving Paris. Living an "American lifestyle" is going to be very, very weird.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe your journey is almost over.
    We can't wait to have you back in the U.S.
    Please remember to do, eat, or visit your favorite things one more time before you return. Max and I can't wait to see all of the photos and hear about all of the exciting travels.

    Ms. Howell and Max :)
